Josh barnett you A- HOLE

Yeh hes a wanker barnett,ruined the whole event.

I hope your right!
Theyve already offered fedor 30 mil for 6 fights in the ufc!
An he didnt sign! Dayna says its the most theyve offered any fighter!
I dont know if its fedor,or hes manager.

What tools does lesnar have?
Aside from size an strength,fedor has everything else.

I dont think fedor has ever used steroids,but thats just me.

Lesnar has been on em heaps,hell what wrestler hasnt!
An then when he comes to ufc,stops them,how convenient.
I dunno,i hate roid junkies.
Ive always made fun of those that i know that have taken them,
its good for a laugh lol.

Im glad someone replied to this thread haha!

It's not only Brock's size and strength, it's his speed. I think he can run a 4.6-4.7 40. That's pretty quick for a guy his size. There are other big guys that don't transition well to MMA. Bob Sapp is one of those guys. He's been in MMA for years now and Bobby Lashley just mowed through him. It's not just size, but it helps. The other thing about Lesnar is his NCAA background. Many of the successful guys in UFC are championship caliber wrestlers Matt Hughes, Josh Koscheck, GSP, Randleman, Severn, Couture, Coleman) just to name a few). Brock's NCAA record of 105-5 is pretty extraordinary.

The point is that everyone wants to hate on Brock because of his WWE background. Add that to his post fight antics and he's one of the most hated guys right now. But you can hate on Brock for those things, one thing's for certain, he has the tools and base to dominate UFC HW for the next 3-4years. He's 32 now. Imagine if he started his MMA training after college.

I'm losing faith in those international fighters. I question Barnett's abilities. They don't do regular testing for steroids in Japan. Maybe that's why the transition from Pride to UFC hasn't been successful for a lot of those guys. UFC is santioned by the athletic commission and there is regular testing in the U.S. Brock may have roided in the past. But he's fought in the UFC for over the last year under these standards. Also, he has to cut down to 265 to make weight. So using steroids now doesn't benefit him strategically in any way.

Anyway's, Fedor or not. TUF heavyweight has 8 out of 16 contenders that are 260lbs or heavier. Kimbo is one of the smaller guys at 230lbs, I don't think he will make it past his first fight.