What tool do you hate the most?

Roll around creepers ..... had my hair stuck so many times it now has a ponytail holder wrapped around one of the rungs.

I'm cringing right now.... I had a co-worker cut a creeper out of my tail back in the day..... That was an awkward experience!

I also agree 100% with those %$#-damn wheel weight pliers. I gouged my finger 3 times in the same spot over the last few months. And I try an be careful....

Bumper jacks. Downright dangerous contraption. I carry a small hydraulic floor jack in my old cars.

Air chisel. While it can be useful, in the wrong hands it's the fast way to piss off an entire shop when they don't know how to use one. And they hammer away for what seems like hours.....

The ball-joint fork, as already posted....

Fun thread, thanks for starting it!