The old man can still move

nice moving Mike!
Thank you, I am glad I had my wits about me at that time :-D

Atta Boy memike!
I knew that ninja training would come in handy one day. :cheers:
I guess we all learned an important lesson today.....
I backed into the disconnect box and just barley got out of the way 8)
The car that you see in the shop got pushed off the jack stands and moved forward about two feet =P~

Mike I bet you can do a mean two step, lol. Glad your ok brother.

Thank you and I will admit I put John Travolta to shame Scott :-D

All those years of dancing along to Michael Jackson videos must have really kept you in great shape. Good to know you were able to Moon Walk out of the way in time.
LMAO John :toothy10:

7 lives left kitty kitty
I guess you remember when I got shot don't you Motopsycho :-D