Schumacher /6 to V8 Conversion Kit Group buy!

I cannot get a discount on headers, you will have to order through them directly.

Now Shipping gets tricky. Since I do not know the size and weight of these items yet, I can only charge what Schumacher charges. I BELIEVE he will be shipping parts to me, and I will ship from here. I basically have become the "vender" So Schumacher charges $15.00 for shipping. I did ask for Canada and gave one of your address. They said shipping to Canada is $45.00. I looked online for US Mail Priority. They will charge a flat rate of $32.95. That is assuming they will fit in a "large box". The difference is that UPS you will get a tracking #. US Mail, you don't.

I was going to wait through next weekend to make an order just to give people a little time. I think I will be asking for money orders, because Pal Pal sucks yet another fee, which neither one of us needs.
Does this this seem fair?

Now this is who I have so far... (Please tell me if you want out!)

MR. Tires 24
Myasylum /6 to SB 340
Speedthrills /6 to SB
1MeanA Torque strap SB to BB
440WIP 2 sets /6 to SB 340
Dusted '74 /6 to BB
FishBreath SB to BB

Thats 8 sets including 440WIP's 2 sets.

So THREE more to go for the price of $100.00!! Everyone on board?