Hot rod black or not...

I would leave it as is and enjoy the site of a build in progress :cheers:
I like to see work going on.=P~
I don't like removing paint, But if you do ether it will look good and make you happy :happy10: Just me memike :-D

I too like the 'work in progress' look... but I have been driving her this way for nearly 4 years now.. (1 year as a /6 and the last 3 with the 360 in it) .. Its just every now and then I kind long for one color.. this last trip to the Nats kinda sparked it again.. My Dart sorta looks like the ugly duckling sitting at car shows LMAO ... every year for the last 4 years there has been progress on the car... but its been in areas that people dont notice (like this last winter was upgrade to the 8 3/4, new gas tank, and properly repaired frame rails) .. but the average person still sees the same multi-colored Dart they saw last year LOL ...