School me on Stock Eliminator?

The stock and super stock 727s I've seen have 904 internals, I guess it would depend on the builder. My friends who race Hemis in SS use ProTrans 727s with 904 guts ... and yes the Jerico was a great move, it meant a stick car could actually be SHIFTED and not BROKEN.

I realize this is the progression of racing, but there is SO much about S/SS that is NOWHERE near stock anymore. I have followed Stock Elim since the early 70's, and raced in it in the mid 90's. I don't appreciate it as I once did because of all of the stuff they run. In the 70's and 80's, you'd have been thrown SOO far from the track, showing up with what is basically a Modified Elim car, you wouldn't have known what hit you! They used to check for correct interior trim, loose fan belts, you name it!
It has probably eliminated some cheating, because the more stringent the rules, the more room to cheat.