A little Peeved
What it boils down to is for those you are upset with the process (whether it be buying or selling) to either grow a thicker skin or exit the process (don't list anything for sale or place wanted ads). We have all had our time wasted whether it be here or Craigslist or eBay. If you haven't figured it out yet that none of them are perfect buying/selling venues (and that there are tons of time-wasting looky-loos and quasi-dishonest people out there), then allow me to send you a dozen roses for you to smell and ... wake up! And, due to the economy, we all know people are not parting with their money as easy as they once did. They/we are skiddish. And sellers, well, some not all are bending truths and descriptions because they need money (again, just like the rest of us). As a seller (and a buyer to some extent), you have to question your integrity and principles and if you want to compromise them when times are hard. {Rant mode off. I knew I shouldn't have had coffee this late.}