Ram A/C mechanic advice
Brad, you only need to add 2-3 ounces of the correct viscosity oil to your new compressor. If your new compressor has a full oil charge and your not flushing evap,condenser & all lines then invert it and drain all the oil you can only adding back through the suction port(larger)2-3 ounces, install the lines (with new seals) and be sure and rotate the compressor(outer plate)at least 10 times to clear the oil from the compressor swash plate and mechanism. This will ensure you don't hydra lock the compressor upon start up. Often times novices will install a new compressor with the total system oil charge having not flushed the system which will do one thing, lock up the new compressor(too much)remember it only pumps a vapor. Most all compressors will come with instructions on whether or not it contains oil. Common sense goes a long way! Don't forget to install a new accumulator! most compressor mfg's require this with a new compressor install and will not warranty if needed if it wasn't done......Good luck! Dave