Building a 410 stroker and need some advice

For the US members -

What you call Propane, we call LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) or "gas" for short -

We also refer to NOS as being "on the gas" so it can get confusing.

As Nemesis said - our fuel rating is RON - yours is NON.

From what I can gather - your 88(?) rating is the same roughly as our 92 - but happy to be corrected on that.

I also don't believe we have anything "from the pump" thats = to your 'premium'.

Basically, for our country which is in theory 99% self sufficient in petroleum, we get CRAP fuel!

Aussies - Brewil - Theres a guy on one of the aussie forums who's aiming for 13:1 on LPG so 11s shouldn't be an issue.

One last tip - Use "autogas" or buy it from country regions, they get pure Propane deliveries because the Gas companies don't want to pay for two seperate delivery runs (1 for household, 1 for gas stations). In the city, the gas stations get the rubbish cut down LPG.