How important is a "High Performance" water pump?

Haven't spent time on this but when you get a 6 blade it comes with the reinforcement tubes around the bearing, at the one I've bought.
Now with that in mind, all the reading I've done says the cop pumps have the reinforcement tubes around the impeller bearing, so...I guess?

I was thinking hot pursuit/high speed chases vs cooling time and such.

City trucks got the 8 blade from what I've seen cause they do nothing but


Seems like even the talking heads can't get on the same page when they write s*** up. LOL. GO figure. Just goes to show you that if you want the deadnuts truth, go ask the engineer who designed it. (Then talk to another one and get a different story..been there done that for an article I was writing ages ago for the one year only "true" 318 4bbl and the 318/360 headed cop engine.) But this would explain the reason why my A/C truck has the reinforcement tubes like the cop pumps from all the M-bod's I've owned. I was thinking that it was because it was a truck, but the A/C explains it better.