idle problem with long duration cam

headsbikesmopars said
I think you have something there Moper. VERY good point. I have 15 initial and 35 total and all in @ 1800 (no vacuum advance). That is what my combo likes. Other than too much advance too soon, That engine should have wonderful manners on the street with a rough idle (lope) but decent throttle response. I believe problem should be solved.

think soo too!

i have a 340 with simmilar compresion and a solid roller cam with a totalduration that is about the same as your totalduration and i have adjusted my timing by ading more initialadvance until the idle rpm stops rising and that happens at about 20degrees of timing have tried more and less but it seams to like that best:)
i am sure that someone will corect mee if that is a bad way of adjusting it;)