Show me your tachs!

I started with cardboard and worked my way up to aluminum. I eliminated the drivers defroster vent and came up with this....

I know.... I look pissed. Just a bad picture.

Here's the top of the final piece. I used a 1/8" thick piece of steel that I cut, bent, and drilled for my tach mount. I also welded on the mounting sleeve.

From the bottom you can see one of the eventual two rubber mount blocks. This keeps it from vibrating, like those thin stainless steel pieces that slide under the dash pad. My tach bounced around like crazy when I tried using one. This is nice and solid.

Once installed I was able to route the tach wiring directly under the dash by leaving a gap where the tack bracket bolts to the defroster opening. There's a 3/8" gap that allows the wiring to slip inside the dash. A short section of braided harness sleeve keeps it clean and simple.

Once I got the car together, it looks and works great. It's super solid, doesn't move at all, and I can un-bolt it and have a mint dash pad and re-install that left defroster vent and no one would ever know.....

Hope this helps!