Gerahead's 71 Dart

I have been out in the garage the last few nights. Spent a couple of hours beating metal back into shape. MOstly things like puckered bolt holes and stuff like that. Got the area around the right rear tail light straightened out. I cleaned all of the gooey black junk off the edges of the rear window. In case anyone is interested, naptha works great.

Tonight I was going to clean up the edge of the windshield. Was into it for a few minutes and realized that some time between when I took it out and tonight, I have cracked it! Top to bottom right down the middle. Man was I po'd. So I dove into cleaning the crap out of the glass channels. The naptha works well and doesn't seem to harm the paint. One of the attachments shows the nice clean rear channel and the other I threw in just to show the exterior color paint line from the factory. I appears that they knew it was going to have a vinyl top when they squirted the exterior color and I guess that makes sense. I am planning to pick up a new paint gun and some epoxy for this weekend. I might have to go find a new windshield instead. What really irritates me is that I have been very careful handling it. L8 dudes.

Rear window channel after goo removed.JPG

Paint line on c-pillar.JPG