Florida jack's drivers over. Tag prices double. What BULL!

So I just want to vent. As of tomorrow 9/1 , tag and vehicle registration goes up by 50-60%. If this is not a blatant FU from this state I don't know what is.
Anybody deciding to relocate from other states here because the lack of snow, DON'T.
Plus the e-coli filled beaches are overrated.
About 18 years ago they had this bogus impact fee that they made millions from which was found to be unconstitutional.
Whoever made this call in these hard economic time's is a total bonehead.

Trying to be proactive last night I decide to renew for next year early and save some money. Nope, they screwed me again. Deadline is 11/30 on tag expiration. My birthday is in Dec. :angry7: Luckily the wifes birthday is in Nov. and her vehicle cost the most to tag.

I know it is bad probably everywhere and if I sound like a baby, I am sorry, but this just blows.
Don't you wish you could go up to your boss(if you even have one right now)and say you need to pay me twice as much. How would that work?

I could go on but wont. Please add your opinions on this if you agree or even disagree.

Thank's alot Charlie. :angry7: Hopefully you can stop Progress Energy/TICO from raping us.

Let's all try to have a good day.:cheers: