Florida jack's drivers over. Tag prices double. What BULL!

If they pass "Cap and Trade" (tax, that is), we're ALL gonna get raped.

The tag situation is bull for sure, BUT it had to happen. The big wigs have become so spoiled on the massive windfalls in tax revenues here because of the housing bubble, that they MUST find ways of keeping that level of income in the wake of the bubble's bursting.

Tags are just the beginning. Everything is gonna start going up, and we're all gonna get pinched and pinched, and then squeezed. :angry7::angry7::angry7:

It hasn't been raised in 20+ years but who's fault is that? They just picked the worst time to do it.......well maybe when gas was $4.50 a gallon it could have been worse.
This could have been a gradual increase over the last decade when things were good. But like you mentioned, they were getting FAT with the housing market. That's what burns me the most, to make up for other short comings they keep finding was the squeeze the public. Most of us are not making more money, where do they think we will get it?