Florida jack's drivers over. Tag prices double. What BULL!

New York just is seeing a fee hike, too, today. Don't get how it's calculated, but do know it's getting raised. Called the DMV to help my bro-in-law put his Dak on the road, registered by weight without commercial usage and was told today I'd have to add 52X25% to it. That's 13 bucks, but still no explanation as to how it's calculated. (What's the 52 and why 25 % of it?.) I guess I won't complain about the extra $13 after reading how much others are having to pay, but will rant about idiot politicians who can't balance a damned budget and look at taxpayers as some bottomless piggy bank to make up for the fact that they think debt is a good thing. Even as they sit and chastise American's for personal debt, like credit cards.
New York has also seen fit to apply a special tax on energy bills to make up for the shortfall. It's 2% of our energy usage. Not too bad some may say, it's only $2 on the hundred. But it's projected to bring in $534M the first year. It's a tax the politicians applied without letting the taxpayers know about it until our first energy bills arrived and it's money they didn't earn! Hey, a**holes, if you want the money come to my house and mow my lawn and I'll be glad to pay you for it. Do something to earn it, other than spending us into oblivion!