Florida jack's drivers over. Tag prices double. What BULL!

After reading yor responses I guess I should feel lucky it hasn't happened sooner. Some of your rate's are up that high as well or higher.
Man skybolt was that new vehicle registration, or for multiple cars?

It just seems everything happens at the worst times. Our electric provider, Progress Energy is trying to get a 1 Billion dollar.....that's right, BILLION, increase annually. All because they were not proactive and let the power grid get so outdated. All while the CEO's got fatter.

I know a guy who they brought out of retirement, paid him $35 an hour, all because they had extra budget money they had to spend. They even created some bogus project for him to oversee to make it all seem legit.

And they have the gonads to ask us for another billion a year. :bootysha: