Gunther Toodys in Arvada - August 22nd

At little late but here are pictures of all the A-Bodies that were at the Colorado Mopar Car Show at Gunther Toody's in Arvada a couple of weeks ago.

This is 440Brew's (a member here) Dads car.

This one is mine. A work in progress.

This is owned by another member here "jaws"

This one ended up winning best in show. Isn't that crazy, it beat out a ton of great looking "B" and "E" bodies!! It's about time the "A's" get noticed.

I really liked this one so he get two pictures on the post!

Same car different angle, and still a great looking Dart.

This guy won best "A" body so gets two pictures.

Also a member here "scamp80602" gets two pictures to show off his new rally wheels.

From the other side.

They are a little hard to see but this one had some pretty cool wheels on it

Then there is always the show that comes to the show, you know the cars that are in the parking lot that look just as good as the ones that are in the show but for some reason won't play??

Actually this guy is in our club and had to work the day of the show, so he gets a kitchen pass and I won't give him a hard time.

This one is nice and it's for sale.

That was it for the a-bodies but I need to put in one of the viper that was there. I guess it was too early for the hotties to be gathered around it but I'm sure they were there. If you look really close you can make out an a$$ print right above the front tire there.:-D

Hope you all have enjoyed the pictures.