H22A4 Hows the fit

H22A4 I took a close look at the pic of the kit they have,and it looks like the mufflers are offset going in and offset going out,is that what you had to buy? i all ready bought mine and there offset in and center out.

Orginally I was going to buy 4 mufflers (2 off-set in, centre out and two off-set in, off-set out), have the install shop use which ever fit best and I'd return the two not installed. The parts store I bought the mufflers from (large chain in BC) didn't have any off-set in centre out Thrush Turbo's or Hush Thrush's in stock (not even in their warehouse) and it would take ~3 weeks to special order in. So the shop will install the off-set in & out mufflers. I'll be interested to hear how your install goes with the off-set in, centre out mufflers.