Project Plain Jane

Looks like you've got your work cut out for you. Just remember, one step at a time get's the job done. BTW that is the damn coolest garage door I have ever seen, what a great idea for low ceilings! Kev

Thanks! It's the only one of it's kind I've ever seen,so Im saving it. Im sure there are others..
Hopefully they have less paint on them.This one has no less than 7 colors and 6 coats. There is approx 1/8 inch of paint on that sucker.Im slowly agonizingly stripping it with a good sharp scraper and a heat gun..Then I'll have to sand it. Im just gonna use my belt sander on it.Wont be much paint left on it when Im done,if any.

I had a guy stop and compliment me on the work I was doing on the door.He said he has been driving by that door every day for 35 years and it has always looked like crap.I guess the p.o simply slapped paint overtop of the peeling uglyness. Im doing it right and I shouldnt have to touch it for a long time.

Chris,I think your store of info is invaluable. You have helped me tremendously and I really cant thank you enough. And yes,i did get the mounts from Marcel. He actually threw them in with the glass,so they cost me nothing! That glass is hand laid and whomever did it,did a pretty good job.

I plan on taking this project one thing at a time,else I'll get overwhelmed! Im going to finish the door first though..and theres the matter of some large cracks in the concrete roof that need attention.

I had two good neighbours stop by and chat while I was playing with the Dart.I got the inevitable"is that a Camero"? comment. AAARRRGGG!! Oh well,they were nice enough to give me a hand setting the glass on after I had everything off.