My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

It will take some time to heal, and ponder why,but dont let yourself get depressed,stay busy and focus on positive things, you have to take one day at a will make it...there is a hell of alot of cool and caring people here you can talk too...and of course you have a butthead or two but ignore them for they have no heart or soul or any class for that matter.... remember its not the end of the world,though it may seem so now,in order to have new doors opened to you, you must close the ones behind you and move forward and dont look back, and dont beat yourself up thinking maybe if you had done something different this may have not happened.....we are all free agents and have the power of choice, you didnt choose her path...she did...on her own free will,not you...good will always triumph over evil in the end...stay focused and positive, and the pain and torment will fade quicker than you think....and pray to GOD for strength and wisdom to get you thru, it works, I'm no saint and very seldom go to a church, but I absolutely believe in The Power Of GOD.....He sees and hears all and all you have to do is ask....