My GIANT MESS of a garage

It's a few minutes from being the 18th of September. I officially started this project a month ago. I've been working feverishly this week since my grandmothers passing to get the stuff I had laying outside picked up. I sure don't want my mom's house to look like a **** hole with my stuff all over if she has company this weekend after the services. Well, after all this time... I'm still not done. I've made HUGE improvements, cleaned parts, organized as much stuff as I can, but I'm still a loooong ways off. I had to stuff a bunch of crap back in tonight just to get it out of the driveway. To me, it looked as bad as it did in the beginning. After looking at the pictures I posted a month ago, I feel better. I'll try to take an updated picture tomorrow and post it for your amusement.