Your Stress Reliever??

When I lived in Watkins Glen I'd run some mild "hot" laps around the old track road course (being careful for deer and other drivers). Before any of you give me crap about street racing Youtube videos of it for the Vintage Gran Prix and you'll see that the old track is very rural, with hardly any population (at least the really fun parts). Diving off the straight at a gradual y going right, then into a sharp downhill with a slight bend in it, hard right, heavy braking and downshifting going on to Stonebridge, then hard acceleration going hard right off and straightening out the esses going up hill at triple digits...a little V6 with 5speed auto stick and 4 wheel disks can be fun!...what an adreline rush! The stress just burns away. By the way: no houses on this part and the car count is about one or two a day.
Now that I'm in Elmira it just quiet time with the grille and the radio. Talk about going to extremes...