Your Stress Reliever??

Nothing does it like music... Making music.

I play guitar and bass; my recorder (BOSS BR-900) has a built-in, programmable drum machine. It ain't Buddy Rich, but it keeps me honest, tempo-wise.

This multi-track recorder has 64-track capability (I usually only use 4), so, I choose a song I really like; lay down a bass line first on top of the drum track; then play the chords ("changes"); then, add the melody line and improvised choruses before playing the melody one last time, and put some sort of ad hoc ending on it...

At that point, I have a complete song, but it's on 4 or 5 different tracks.

Next, I can mix it down to 2 tracks (Stereo) and listen to it, which is sometimes frustrating because I'm NO Les Paul, but if I make a mistake, I can do it over again....

This recorder will then put it onto a blank CD (if I can ever figure out how to accomplish that.)

So, I get to hear a song that ~I~ really like, played with the chord changes that ~I~ deem appropriate (sometimes, not exactly what the composer wrote), played at a tempo that ~I~ enjoy and in a style ~I~ like.

No listening "issues.":cheers:

Listening to that relaxes me like nothing else in the world...

I consider myself fortunate to have that capability.

I guess, if I couldn't do the music thing, I'd probably figure out something with the Valiant... LOL! Hi-11's on the street can be fun, but I'm not sure I have figured out how to convert that into stress relief. LOL!

Gotta work on that...
To cool Bill :cheers: You sure amaze me with your capabilities bud :-D