Your Stress Reliever??

I'd have to say that you guys have some awesome guitars. My brother is into playing (drum kit, 3-4 guitars and a bass) Personally I'd love to learn to play.....hmmm now if only I had spare time, cash, or patience :)

I'd say that driving my car is the main stress reliever but I guess that's a given.
Most of the time I build stuff to "relax" ( I'm a relentless tinkerer ) or if it's too late at night to use the grinder ( hurt myself in the garage ) I'll lay the smack down on some Halo ( sometimes equally painful as using the grinder, but I have fun )....I know I know, how juvenile at 34, but it's fun to imagine the guy that cut me off in traffic is someone on the other team. Especially when wielding the gravity hammer :violent1: :toothy10: good times

Bill, I suppose making music has the same effect on you that working on a project does me, with the exception that music is almost instant and other people can enjoy it. When I'm out in the "shop" building something and the wife pops her head out to ask something and I show her this "Freaking awesome" thing I've been playing with, she just looks at me like....ok, what the crap does THAT do?? :angry7:

Dan, I'll say that working on the car when I HAVE to sucks. Working on the car when I WANT to is fun, and working on the car when I'm angry.....bad things.... bad things man. Nothing quite like having to fix something I broke while angry about having to fix something that broke on it's own.