
Hello everyone I'm Randy I live in millstadt, IL(thats within spitting distance of St. Louis, MO for those that don't know) I have a 1972 chevelle a 1972 Dodge Dart a 1994 chevy 1500(my daily) and in the process of getting a 1970 chevelle. My Dodge dart was my enheritence(or how ever you spell that)from my Great aunt. Now for the bad news, the reason I own the car is because shes not in enough health to do so. She had gotten in a wreck and the fireman thought the car was on fire when the raditor blew and I now have a giant V in my hood...i know they where just doing there job...but good lord is it a big V. The lower...i don't know what it's called the painted metal peice under the rear bumper and the front bumper has had enough damage to need replaceing. Can anyone tell me what those are called so I don't sound so stupid when I ask people for them.