Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

just me and the wife. she is as bad if not worse than I am. i have covered somewhere in the area of 300k miles on a bike and this no doubt has changed the way I drive 4 wheels. i watch hands alot, and do my best to stay out of blindspots. and if this means doing something that some may view as offensive, so be it. it beats me being dead. people don't realize that when they are *** dragging at below the speed limit they are creating a hazard. i have seldom been on a road that the posted speed limit is to fast. my last trip from az to wa i had my f150 in my car trailer. got stuck behind some yahoo that just would not go the speed limit. my tourque convertor would not lock up at the speed we were going and was watching the trans temp climb. first passing lane i came to around we went. i could understand if it were a windy mountain pass, but it was just a uphill straight shot. sorry, i am not going to cook the 6k trans in my truck just because you refuse to go the speed limit. not asknig that people haul ***, just at least go the speed limit. when you come to a curve with a yellow suggested speed limit sign, slow down to it if you must. but when i get the chance to come around you, car trailer in tow or what have you, don't look at me like i am a mass murderer...sorry about the length, but his is just one of the things that makes my blood boil. and to the individual that may say i could just slow down, my question is why should you not speed up and go the speed limit?