5 Random Things About Yourself

Do as many as you like, this stuff is funny.

HMM 5 more?

1. I met my wife, well she wasnt my wife yet, online, in 1998, i flew to San Francisco, from Seattle for a blind weekend date, this was april, she came up here that June, and didnt leave, we got married a yr later.

2. I spun the No.1 rod bearing in the 383 in my 67 Satellite racing one of the early Mustang Cobra's. I read their rev limiter was set at 130, i got tired of toying with him and took off, probably was going 140+ for a mile or so. Nasty knock when i took my exit.

3. Worked at a Exxon station in the mid 80's, we also detailed caars there for a local car dealer, played Midnight Auto there quite a bit. Came back at 12 or so, took a 87 Eldorado Convert out for a midnight drive once, took a 87 GTA across the street to the back of another station and powerbraked the living daylights out of it. Hey it was getting new tires anyway.

4. I have never driven a Volkswagen Bug my whole life.

5. I have driven 2 different Ferrari's more than a mile though.

a Testa Rosa and a Mondial