Dash Swap

Ya I know I have to pull the windshield to get at the dash bolts.Whats the easiest way to pull the windshield? Never taken one out before.

I just pulled the lockstrip and used my foot from the inside on the upper corner, I pushed slowly and had someone watch from the outside. I have done 3 like this, the first 2 at a junkyard to make sure the window wouldnt break, and none did. Did my rear like this too. Once it starts, it comes out pretty easily. Not hard at all, just a little nervewracking. Putting in was almost as easy. Lube up the window channel, lace a pull string in the channel and set the window in. Start one corner and use the pull string to pull the gasket lip over the window. Just go slow. If you over run the string, use little plastic prybars or something pretty strong to get the gasket started again. I used a screwdriver, but went very slowly to get it started again. once it is all in, then you can push the lockstrip back into place, but may want to shoot a little paint on it to get it back to the silver color. Mine was almost black from years of abuse. The hot ticket would be to use a strip of silver mylar and a screen tool to tuck it into the gasket, would look chrome again.