Silicone Brake Fluid

there is a reason people have been told to change all of the rubber parts when changing over to dot 5 fluid. back in 1977 when the harleys first started using this dot 5 fluid we had a problem with the brakes over heating and actually locking up. we found that the master cylinder piston cups were swelling up becuase the rubber was not compatiable with the dot 5 fluid, the piston cup actually swelled enough to cover the fluid return port.the compound of the rubber was changed in 1978 to correct the problem. we also had a very few cases of the hoses swelling internally . there is a reason for the manufacures to recommend a specific product in their bikes-cars... not every bike made had the problem but we did have every bike of one specific model have the problem,,,,,enough of a problem that a recall was issued -across the board for all models.....any rubber parts made to the pre 1978 compound can react this way you are taking a chance...especially if the parts are made out of country , not every manufacture changed the rubber compounds in 1978, only those that were using or planned to use the dot5 in the near future....I was personally involved in this back then, so this is not an opinion.......just the facts...i can probably find the recall notice if some one would like the proof.....