Hello all, Im Back again

Billy, I know your in Missouri but my buddy is a body guy who does moon lighting out of our garage. He's one of the best in this area and does the type of work you have all the time. I know he would do what your talking about for much less than that. I wanna say at least half that but without seeing it its hard to say. He's been doing this stuff for over 20 years and is lead body guy during the day at a local place. I don't know if your willing to take the car out of state though. He painted the car we had on pinks thats now on ebay right now from someone they sold it to after we did the show. And he did the body work and threw this paint job on in only a few DAYS, check it out http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford...Z6236QQitemZ4628756712QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
If your interested let me know, just PM me (I'm in PA), if you want to send pics for him to look at or something and give you a quote. BTW he has a 73 challenger and a 69 dart so he loves mopars!