Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

I don't lose it in the car anymore (mostly) since my kid is in back. I used to get all worked up though. That's NYC for you. It's never worth it though, just let it go. You'll get there, probably no faster than if you would have made an angry move around someone.

Amazing though what I saw on the road yesterday. Made the drive from Boston back home to the Island and I can't tell you how many people my wife and I saw TEXTING. I mean literally, staring at their phones, pressing the buttons doing 60mph. People are insane. She yelled out the window at some guy and he kind of just looked up with a dumb smirk on his face.

I'm guilty of talking on a cell phone every now and again but I make an effort to keep it short. You can always tell when you're behind someone on a cell phone, they brake inconsistently and generally drive much too slowly for whatever lane they happen to be in which is usually the passing lane.