Monster Mopar Weekend Pic's

Small block and I handed out cards to everyone :cheers:
all of my stock of cards to For A Bodies Only and Phoenix Specialty Coatings
Are depleted, I even had to give up my pair of big cards leanna sent me.
I talked to a pair of guy early Saturday morning with arm bands on that new me when they seen me :happy10:and was happy to get a fabo and PSC cards:happy10: I put my name on and told them to stop by Bills and enjoy a cold drink and a Hot wing or sandwich, We had a member that was looking at some of axles Bill had and Bill cut his price almost in half for fishy68. We all should be very proud to have Small Block and his smile and hospitality here with us :cheers: He dun us all proud :cheers:
Between Bill and I we had over 30 PSC cards and about 60 FABO cards and they are all gone :-D

Thank you again for a great trip Bill :cheers::cheers::cheers:

Monster MoPar 09 trip bad 011.jpg