Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

I watch my mirrors closely when driving, especially on interstates and if I see someone coming up behind me, I will more over when there is a clear space. In most cases, I will be out of the way when the faster vehicle gets there. What gets me mad is someone who is approaching fast (in most cases I drive a little over the limit anyways) and start flashing their lights when I have nowhere to go. That may result in me slowing down to the speed limit, touching my brakes, failing to move over and make them pass me on the right when they find a spot. DO NOT FLASH THOSE LIGHTS AT ME, I will move over when it is clear.

Couple years ago, driving on a crowded interstate in NC and an 18 wheeler comes up behind me flashing his lights. I had cars in front of me, cars to the right, what did he expect? He got on my bumper flashing his lights. I touched my brakes with my left foot so he could see my brake lights. I saw smoke coming off his trailer tires as he had to slam on his brakes. At that point he got the message and backed off. Once we cleared the traffic, I moved to the right and away he went. Hopefully much wiser.