Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

I tend to get annoyed by people who sit in the fast lane on the highway and drive the speed limit or less.
Frequently, these people end up causing backups on the highway just because of their poor driving skills, and this really bothers me.

However, I tend to do nothing more than flash my highbeams at those who genuinely annoy me.

In high school, right before I got my license, there was a senior who drove a Ford Taurus SHO, one of the ones with the Yamaha V6. He was a pretty nice guy, sometimes a little cocky, but the car was sweet, nice set of rims, tinted windows, lowered, all black and chrome.

One night he was on a local highway where the speed limit is 65. Its a two lane road, some minor hills and gradual sweeping curves, but mostly straight, and therefore almost entirely a huge passing zone.
He was apparently behind roughly 5 cars, being led by someone driving well under the speed limit.
From the eyewitness accounts of the accident, he flashed his brights, honked his horn, and finally whipped out and around the cars to pass all 5 of them at once. As he did this the lead "slow" car turned left, directly into his path. He cut the wheel, but slammed directly into the driver's door of the car, going well over 80 MPH. He died at the scene, and paralyzed the driver of the Cavalier he hit.

If that wasn't a reason for me to not develop road rage, then there wasn't one for me.