cant smoke the skins...problem??

BJR Racing said
Go back and reread my post #5. The orange box needs the Super coil and the proper ballast resistor, the Chrome box needs it's special ballast resistor and the right coil for it, and it's the same for the Gold box, there are also wireing differences and there is more than RPM's as differences to the boxes. But this is my opinion and have done it so take it for what it's worth.

BJR Racing

I agree that the coil, ecu and ballast need to be matched to get the most performance from the system. However, the ecu itself is just an electronic switch that goes between the coil and ground replacing points.

Compared to points any of the ecus have the potential to provided a hotter spark simply because the capacitor (condensor in auto speak) that bleeds off some current as the points open is not there. The orange, chrome and gold boxes besides having components that switch faster extending the rpm range they also can carry a higher current flow allowing for hotter coils. When everything is matched there is more potential output from the ignition system so as the system rolls off at higher rpm's it still has enough potential to create a spark that will reliabily light off the mixture. The chrome and gold boxes are not recomended for street use because at low rpm's the system is allowing more current flow that can over heat the coil at low speeds.