Kinda lost it while driving today (dumb).

I find that wearing my seat belt (whether its a lap belt only or a lap/chest belt as is standard on cars since the 80s) holds me in place enough to not have to reach out to stop from sliding.

If you are sliding around in your car, then that should be addressed. Staying behind the wheel is critical to controlling the car. ANd relying on your reaction time to reach out and grab something is risky at best.

If you are relying on one hand/arm to reach out and grab something in an emergency, its a risk that you WON'T or will slip or even grab the wrong thing.

I find that holding onto the wheel with both hands bolsters me ensures that if one hand loses grip on the wheel during an emergency maneuver the other is there already.

Dont get me wrong....I drive with one hand most of the time (my instructor would be shaking his head right now)...but when things get interesting both hands go to the wheel.

But whatever works for ya. :-D

Drive safe.