Check this out!!! I'm gonna do this to mine!
Let's see - which do you prefer, real deal 50's Buick .......... or a Navigator. Crap like this tells alot about the owners, perceived (or actual) deduction of IQ points and the 97% chance that your taxes helped pay for 'em along with the Little Debbie cakes and beer they're wheelin out to the handicapped parking spot. I believe this kind of numb-nut crap offends God himself. Trust me, I'm not singling out any group - remember the preppies and the "baby on board" - or now they have their little european license plate decals for their freakin' prep schools - ignorance exists at all levels. Just shoot me if I EVER conform to "what's trendy" (like buy a 69 Camaro). Like a pastor of mine once said, "any dead piece of wood can float downstream." Idjits.
Okay, deep breaths ... deep breaths ...