My free Duster (Look close you will see why it is free)

Ok I don't know if it the fact that I have an actual resto thread started but man I have really gotten bit with wanting to work on the car. It sat for over a month cause I had lost confidence and I had no money for parts. The money situation hasn't changed but I figured I will make do with what I got and fab the rest. Today I took my daughter to the pumpkin patch and when we got home me and Booger (that's my daughters nickname she's in the 3rd pic) went out in the garage and started removing the rusty lower quarter. That was my plan for the day, ok got it, remove rusty quarter. Well I got it out and started thinking I now have access to the trunk extension. So an hour later I had it out. I have the roof panel from the Valiant so I am thinking I will try my hand at fabricating a trunk extension. Really how hard can it be it is one major bend slightly tighter than 90 degrees. A couple beads and bend a 3/4 inch tab all the way around. With that being said I am only giving myself 2 try's at making one out of metal, however I will make a couple out of poster board before ever cutting metal. I will also have to make a couple of the little supports that go under it but they look easy. The only piece I can reuse is the bracket that the outside bumper bolt goes through. So here are a few pics from todays escapade.

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