brake project

ok as of now my brakes suck!

the right rear bleader is striped, the left rear is gone(broke off?) i bled the fronts pure fluid coming out still bad brakes.

when i have a friend pumping the pedal and such i have him release the pedal first time fuild shot up, oops :silent: next i had him release the pedal after bleading again(makin sure) it looked like air bubles were coming threw the line (up towards the mc) when he released

i'm going to buy a new master cylinder and new wheel cylinders and id like to get willwood??(spelling) front brakes but that is a ways down the road. how do i get new bleader bolt/nuts so i can blead the backs and when i press on the pedal the brake light comes on. This isnt as confusing as the wiring was for me, but close ha