My free Duster (Look close you will see why it is free)

So today I got the trunk extension to fit like I wanted. It fits fairly well it's not perfect but for $0 what can you expect. I am personnally happy with the way it came. So after I got the extension fitted properly I started on the lower quarter patch. It took a whole 5 minutes to make the template for it. My plan for tonite is to get the sheet metal cut and get fitted for it. After I get it fitted I will start on the little end cap and the piece below the taillights that is a little rough. The one thing I gotta figure out is the little bumper reccess at the end of the quarter. I think I may go and see if I can get a ouple of rust free patches from the junkyard and reuse an originakl end piece.

Lower quarter template 002.jpg

Lower quarter template 003.jpg

Lower quarter template 004.jpg

Lower quarter template 012.jpg

Lower quarter template 015.jpg

Lower quarter template 016.jpg