Nitrous inevitably breaks things & /or so hard on parts that they just don't last, but'll last longer if built solely for nitrous.

My buddy runs 11.2 w/closed chambers & solid roller in his 451 and tuned it to run on 87 octane, and it's damn fast in that road runner.

You'd be surprised how comp you can get away with on the perma torques.
However if someone gets stupid with the timing, they'll pop.

It's all about knowing.

I hear you loud and clear. I am proceeding forward at this point with what I have........ran into other issues with the guide plates...ordered adjustable ones from Doug Herbert Racing, If those dont work out I will be forced to use these that are on page 6 of this flyer and trash the guide plate scenario, of course I will run the girdles with them if I have to go this route, .........I don't like magnum heads. I WILL NOT USE THEM AGAIN!!!!

I guess I may start another post called THE GUIDE PLATE JOURNEY with INDY/RHS HEADS!!

Gotta laugh...