AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Ice cold Boulevard!

Just cracked an ice cold Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat. Tastes good! Just turned on Barrett Jackson and relaxing a bit. I was working on the Dart getting ready
to pull the engine. I got the garage somewhat cleaned and organized. I had to fix a jack stand (broken roll pin on the release handle). Dang, I had to drive the Dart one last time to the local hardware store to get the roll pin. LOL I had an old HP273 block on the engine stand with stuck pistons so I had to fire up the cherry picker to take that block off and get ready for the real thing. I got it jacked up on stands and got the driveshaft pulled. Oops. drain pan under
the trans tailshaft keeps the mess to a minimum. May be tomorrow I can inlist the help of the neighbor and I'll pull the hood and get a few more things drained and un-bolted. I planned on taking Monday off work and I should get it pulled and on the stand. I hope to take a lot of photos. I have been putting together a folder of parts I will need and where to get them. I talked to my machine shop last Wednesday and lined up a friend who does good head work. Trying to get my ducks in a row. Hopefully next spring I'll have a fresh HP273 to power my Dart. (no more mosquito fogging in the rear view mirror LOL) toolmanmike