Any input?

Ok guys, I wanted to ask everyone a few questions as I am sure most of you are more familiar with him than I am.

Motopsycho pm'ed me and the subject title was " you won "

So I opened it and he had said that he picked me as the winner of his "mystery box" ( from what I gather ,its some stickers and maybe some other cool mopar related things? )because he has seen me in the threads and liked my name.

Cool right?
My question is,do you guys know if he is serious and if he is being legit about it? or do you think he is scamming or something?

I am not judging him,as said before...I am not to familiar with him and I just wanted to run it passed everyone and see what they thought about it and if they could let me know if he is a good guy or not.

Thanks everyone for looking into this .
And motopyscho if you happen to catch this thread ,please don't take any offense to it. I just wanted to run it passed fabo to get some input.