My free Duster (Look close you will see why it is free)

Well I have spent about 3 days off and on working on the lower quarter patch and I finally got it done. It is about as good as one could get with out fancy metal working stuff, I have been using good old fashion muscle and ingenuity. I used a broom handle and a 2X6 to get all my bends like I want them. I bent it a couple of times to get it right so I am gonna have to use a little filler in the bottom where it was bent and straightened and bent again, but all in all it looks good.

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 001.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 003.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 004.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 005.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 007.jpg

Lower quarter patch attempt #1 009.jpg