Few Questions,

Thanks for all the kind words.

I have had video of the launch, and there is no tire spin. Other than preventing spin, how else will slicks help me?

I found when I launched at a higher RPM, the launch was softer because there was no room to flash the converter. My 60' was actually better when I launched at 3000 rather than 3200. Should I continue to go higher still? (how high?) should I launch right up against the converter?

I have not had the car on a dyno. From the estimates from the parts suppliers, and the machine shop that did the bottom end assy, and from software estimates, everything points to about 600 at the crank. I don't know what that equals at the wheels.

I am actually looking for high 10's on motor, (from the MPH I figured that was possible) then I already have it set up for spray. 250 fogger. Once I spray it I would like to see possibly high nines, but I want to get all I can out of the engine first.

Here is an engine shot: