
Ok so here are the pics of the speedo.

The first pic shows possible bind points ( Red Arrows ) and direction of finger rotation ( yellow arrows ) Not really much in there except for the spring (top arrow) and the needle stop tab ( bottom arrow ) but if the needle was removed and re-attached, it might have the stop tab in the wrong place. While taking the pics, I tried to get the needle to "stick" but only succeeded when the magnets picked up some metal chaff from the top of the trash can.... but in a 30 something year old car it could be rust getting stuck in there... Hope this helps

speedo_bind points (Small).JPG

and yes the mileage will continue to register even if the needle is stuck. The reason for this is that the drive gears for the odometer are before and separate from the needle magnet drive system. Drive gears run right off the input ( green arrows


Also, In this picture you can see the "tamper indicator". It's a little spring that, if you try to roll back the numbers, turns down against the number drum and scrapes the little thing to keep us from getting a "low mileage" fake
tamper_tag (Small).JPG

Here is another look at the tag (yellow box ) and the damage to the number drum ( yellow arrow ).......I knew there was something funny about this speedo IMMEDIATELY when I saw that all of the numbers were the same across the dial....strange indeed...

speedo_bind points (Small).JPG

tamper_tag (Small).JPG

