Mechanical vs. electric fuel pump?
just incase any one is intrested,,,there are now 2 mechanical pumps for the smal block mopar with big flow ratings,,,one is an edelbrock big pump,,no in fo on there web site and they dont return e mails,,i found all the info on summits web site,,but that pump isnt cheap,,its over 350.00 bucks,,,but its there if you perfer it to electric,,,
also another mechanical pump for smal block mopar,,has a rating of 450 GPH,,,and built to last 240,000 miles,,so they say,,,out put pressure is adjustable,,,and suports 250 to 2500 horse power,,,and it -AN fitted,,,and guess what its not cheap either over 400 bucks if i remember correctly,,, info on this big A** pump can be found at
one thing to keep in mind,,the average electric pump is not dependable and will burn up sooner or later,,,when you out miles away with no parts money or tow truck,,,they run hot thats what kills them,,,the only average electric pump ive seen run for any length of time is the standard carter/stewart warner pump goldish can mounting studs out of the top,,,the more expensive electric pumps,, AERO,, are said to have fuel around the motor windings keeping it cool fro longjevity,,,like a modern day fuel injected auto the pumps are in the tank,,,,to keep them COOL,,,unless you have some kiler street motor,,the carter mechanical pump is the way to go,,,if it puts out more then 6 PSI you should use a pressure regulator,,holley carbs tent to blow the needle and seat with more then 6 PSI constantly,,,or the ytent to drip more fuel then you need,,,,
i run a carter street strip on my blower motor 2 holey carbs flowing 862 CFM each,,and its fine untill i put it too the floor,,,then i need the one in the back,, to help out,,,