Nascar chase format

Nascar SUCKS! Its full of sell outs. #1 sellout, RICHARD PETTY! The same guy who claimed to bleed Chysler blue. First, he wouldn't run a car in the Busch series, because he doesn't cotton to the alchol sponsers. Well his name is on a car sponsored by a beer company now. Its amazing how his family values go out the window, when theres cash on the line. I guess he bleds ford blue instead of Chrysler blue. RPM is switching to fords for 2010. He is also courting middle east money from some arab prince. I wonder if has converted to the muslim faith yet, maybe, if the moneys right! Nascar is nothing but a big sellout. I look for a spec engine, in a spec car for the future of nascar. ther is no reason to have the manufactures envolved. Sorry for the rant, its just one of those mornings.