Barry Grant Inc. files bankruptcy

I apologize! Maybe I spoke in haste and me being p$$$ed doesn't get the problem fixed. Who knows maybe the guy I talked to had had his fill on that particular day and I was the last person he wanted to spend any time with. Who Knows!

I'll see how it goes in the future!
Thanks, base timing plays a real important factor before anything can be adjusted on the carburetor as too little can throw all of the other adjustments out of whack. We also ask a few preliminary questions andif the customer doesn't know where the base is or it is not where we think it needs to be then we ask that be changed before anything else. Many of the problems we encounter both on the phones and the boards have been corrected by just adding base and then re-adjusting the carb. From there we try to get more in depth but sometimes we can come across as brash. A lot of times guys just want to call and argue or they call 2 or 3 times without following our reccomendations but without having been privy to your conversation any number of things could have occured that day or on the call before yours.